Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fun, or something like that
This past weekend, we got to go to Chuck E. Cheese with my family. It was a birthday party for my niece Paige (3) and my nephew Conner (1). Fun was had by all! Thanks Lori and Becca for inviting us and including us in all of your fun!

What a liar I turned out to be! I told Keira that avocados were yummy, apparently she does not agree!

Poor baby! She just held them like that in her mouth untill they all got pushed out by her slobber or her tongue.
What a stubborn little stinker! I wish I knew where that trait came from!:)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Shots and Razor blades!
While getting the boys hair cut last week, our hair dresser finds a mole behind Jace's ear with a black spot on it. I am pretty paranoid, and I know that the spot wasn't on it during the summer when I buzzed his hair, so we went to see the doctor.
When we got there, I told him in the car what a black spot could mean and that the doctor was going to have to cut it off to test it and make sure he is still healthy. He FREAKED OUT! He was NOT going to go in! He decided that he would rather have cancer than get his mole cut off! So, I offered him a piece of gum. It worked! He did really good. His eyes got good and watery when they gave him the shot to numb it, but nothing spilled out. He said later that he couldn't even feel it when they cut it off, and it still didn't hurt. What a trooper. He earned his favorite candy bar for all of his bravery, a plain Jane Hershey's bar. We will know in about a week if they find anything wrong.
My little friend Ashton is way more observant than I give him credit for. We got a giant #3 balloon for Gabriel, and on the way home, Ashton asks why he didn't get a #5 for his birthday. I didn't really have an answer for that, so he asks me if he can have the #3. I told him no, it was for Gabriel. Gabriel wasn't going to get any birthday presents, so he gets balloons. He then tells me that we could just bury Gabriel's presents and then he would get them in heaven (we buried Gabriel, and he is in heaven, so why wouldn't it work for presents?). I told him that it just doesn't work that way. After we got home he brings me a penny and says "Hey mom, I'll give you my penny for the #3 balloon." I said no, and that I didn't need his penny. So his reply "Yes you do, because you are running out of money." Well, you are right Ashton, but unfortunately your penny isn't going to do me much good! Funny kid!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Gabie!

Today is my sweet angel's birthday. Not my favorite day of the year. This year I delt with it a little differently. I didn't insist on just sitting around crying! There was crying, but not constant. On Saturday, we went bowling with Grandma and Grandpa Bateman, and Grandma and Grandpa Pettit. 

We only had one lane, something we will have to fix next time, but had a great time anyway. It would have been more fun if the birthday boy could have attended his party, but we made the best of it. Today, the kids and I took a banner and some balloons to the cemetary.

We let one go from each of us, and tied the rest up.

Then we went and had dinner, cake and Icecream at Grandma Gail's. I am so greatful that I have them here to help me through this stuff. The Cake was not real extravagent, but hey, I don't really feel like cake baking today! I'll do better when he can tell me what he wants on it!
We missed daddy who was at school. Hopefully he'll be able to attend next year's party. We love you little man! We desperatly hope to see you soon!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Have You?...
Copy and paste the list. Bold the things you have done.
1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14.Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (Ok, maybe not to the top, but definately to the top of the base!)18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22.hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a 1/2 Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset 31.hit a home run. 32.been on a cruise 33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 35. Seen an Amish community 36. Taught yourself a new language 37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person 39. Gone rock climbing 40. Seen Michelangelo’s David (Really just the one in vegas!)41. Sung karaoke 42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt 43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant 44. Visited Africa 45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 46. Been transported in an ambulance (With Gabriel) 47. Had your portrait painted 48. Gone deep sea fishing 49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person 50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling 52. Kissed in the rain 53. Played in the mud 54. Gone to a drive-in theater 55. Been in a movie 56. Visited the Great Wall of China 57. Started a business 58. Taken a martial arts class 59. Visited Russia 60. Served at a soup kitchen 61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies 62. Gone whale watching 63. Got flowers for no reason 64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma 65. Gone sky diving 66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp 67. Bounced a check 68. Flown in a helicopter 69. Saved a favorite childhood toy 70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 71. Eaten Caviar 72. Pieced a quilt 73. Stood in Times Square 74. Toured the Everglades 75. Been fired from a job 76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London 77. Broken a bone. 78.Been on a speeding motorcycle 79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person 80. Published a book 81. Visited the Vatican 82. Bought a brand new car 83. Walked in Jerusalem 84. Had your picture in the newspaper 85. Read the entire Bible 86. Visited the White House 87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 88. Had chickenpox 89. Saved someone’s life 90. Sat on a jury 91. Met someone famous 92. Joined a book club 93. Lost a loved one 94. Had a baby 95. Seen the Alamo in person 96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake 97. Been involved in a law suit 98. Owned a cell phone 99. Been stung by a bee 100.Made amends with someone who offended you 101. Flew in a small Cessna plane with just you and the pilot 102. Ran out of gas 103. Eaten fried okra 104. Swam in the Caribbean Sea 105. Peed in a swimming pool 106. Stayed in a beach house 107. Hosted an exchange student 108. Been a Secret Santa to a family in need 109. Worked on a political campaign 110. Coached a sports team 111. Baked bread from scratch 112. Driven from coast to coast 113. Paid off all of your debt 114. Roast marshmallows over a campfire.115 Cut up a credit card 116. Drove a car through a flood 117. Been on t.v 118. Had braces 119. Been to the top of the twin towers in NY. 120. Have played in both the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans 121. Been to ground zero 122. Bite my fingernails 123. Likes to scrapbook 124. Hates pie 125. Visited Mexico 126. Seen a Tornado in person 127. Have ever been lost at sea! 128. kisses a frog. 129. Gave birth to twins. 130. Received 2 moving violation tickets in 1 day. 131.Been Life Flighted. 132. swore 133. stranded in a motel for Christmas. 134. Been in 2 countries at once! 135. Never tasted any kind of alcohol. 136. Floated down the canal in inner tubes and once a bathtub 137. Sunk and almost got stuck knee deep in a manure pit. (or as we called it..jigglies) 136. Been to Mount St. Helens.
1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14.Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (Ok, maybe not to the top, but definately to the top of the base!)18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22.hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a 1/2 Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset 31.hit a home run. 32.been on a cruise 33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 35. Seen an Amish community 36. Taught yourself a new language 37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person 39. Gone rock climbing 40. Seen Michelangelo’s David (Really just the one in vegas!)41. Sung karaoke 42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt 43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant 44. Visited Africa 45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 46. Been transported in an ambulance (With Gabriel) 47. Had your portrait painted 48. Gone deep sea fishing 49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person 50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling 52. Kissed in the rain 53. Played in the mud 54. Gone to a drive-in theater 55. Been in a movie 56. Visited the Great Wall of China 57. Started a business 58. Taken a martial arts class 59. Visited Russia 60. Served at a soup kitchen 61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies 62. Gone whale watching 63. Got flowers for no reason 64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma 65. Gone sky diving 66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp 67. Bounced a check 68. Flown in a helicopter 69. Saved a favorite childhood toy 70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 71. Eaten Caviar 72. Pieced a quilt 73. Stood in Times Square 74. Toured the Everglades 75. Been fired from a job 76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London 77. Broken a bone. 78.Been on a speeding motorcycle 79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person 80. Published a book 81. Visited the Vatican 82. Bought a brand new car 83. Walked in Jerusalem 84. Had your picture in the newspaper 85. Read the entire Bible 86. Visited the White House 87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 88. Had chickenpox 89. Saved someone’s life 90. Sat on a jury 91. Met someone famous 92. Joined a book club 93. Lost a loved one 94. Had a baby 95. Seen the Alamo in person 96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake 97. Been involved in a law suit 98. Owned a cell phone 99. Been stung by a bee 100.Made amends with someone who offended you 101. Flew in a small Cessna plane with just you and the pilot 102. Ran out of gas 103. Eaten fried okra 104. Swam in the Caribbean Sea 105. Peed in a swimming pool 106. Stayed in a beach house 107. Hosted an exchange student 108. Been a Secret Santa to a family in need 109. Worked on a political campaign 110. Coached a sports team 111. Baked bread from scratch 112. Driven from coast to coast 113. Paid off all of your debt 114. Roast marshmallows over a campfire.115 Cut up a credit card 116. Drove a car through a flood 117. Been on t.v 118. Had braces 119. Been to the top of the twin towers in NY. 120. Have played in both the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans 121. Been to ground zero 122. Bite my fingernails 123. Likes to scrapbook 124. Hates pie 125. Visited Mexico 126. Seen a Tornado in person 127. Have ever been lost at sea! 128. kisses a frog. 129. Gave birth to twins. 130. Received 2 moving violation tickets in 1 day. 131.Been Life Flighted. 132. swore 133. stranded in a motel for Christmas. 134. Been in 2 countries at once! 135. Never tasted any kind of alcohol. 136. Floated down the canal in inner tubes and once a bathtub 137. Sunk and almost got stuck knee deep in a manure pit. (or as we called it..jigglies) 136. Been to Mount St. Helens.
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